Aims: Research the process of organizational change to understand how interventions\nsuch as appearance care can be integrated into daily practice.\nBackground: Typical treatment of breast cancer is surgery, often followed by\nchemotherapy. Associated aesthetic ramifications, including hair loss, frequently\ncause patient distress. Methods: We conducted face-to-face semi-structured\nhour-long recorded interviews with three nurses. We then analyzed the developmental\nprocess according to the core competencies for interprofessional\ncollaborative practice using the thematic content analysis. Results: Nurses\nworked with interdisciplinary team members with mutual respect and shared\nvalues such as concern for patientsâ?? quality of life. Nurses used knowledge of\nappearance-related side effects combined with beautician-provided coping\nskills. Intervention involved responsible communication with other health\nprofessionals and patients in a team approach. Nurses promoted the developmental\nprocess and became program facilitators. Conclusion: This\ngroup-intervention program, facilitated by nurses, was integrated into daily\npractice. Implications for nursing management: Research partnerships between\nacademics, clinical nurses, nurse managers, and beauticians can improve\nthe integration of interventions in routine practice and increase\nawareness of patientsâ?? needs.